Hồ Chí Minh was born in 1890 in Vietnam. He was greatly influenced by his father, Nguyen Sinh Huy who was a teacher employed by the French. He was a very strong nationalist and he influenced Hồ Chí Minh greatly as a child. He was very well educated as a child and went to a couple private schools. From 1911-1923 he traveled to several countries and traveled a lot. This gave him a greater knowledge of the different regions and their government. From 1914-1918 he really became a strong communist, and in 1920 he became the founder of the French Communist party. He traveled around and became very well known. He went to Russia to study at the University of Oriental workers. Then in 1925 he went to china to organize a communist movement. After having to leave china for a couple years he returned to re unite groups of communism and formed a formal communist party with its members coming from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. In 1940 the ICP started demanding freedom from the French rule in Vietnam. And in 1941 he led the Viet Minh independence movement. This is where the Guerilla forces came from and they led many attacks against the French and had some aid from the United States. In 1945 they started killing members from other political parties and started to become over powerful. They banned rival parties and imprisoned 25,000 non communist and forced 6,000 others to flee. The democratic republic of Vietnam was formed and Ho chi minh was the president from 1945-1969. His whole life leading up to the Vietnam war he was always doing something for communism and was a very big reason that we went to war. America did not want him to take over South Vietnam or other parts of South east Asia and slowly have communism take over in a domino effect. He was the main man for North Vietnam throughout the War and was one of the most influential people for the cause of it and who the United States were trying to stop.