This song is an Anti-war song about the Iraq war. It is presented in a form that is poetical, musical, and relatable. The Blue Scholars rap about the losses and motives of the Iraq war, even though this genre of music isn’t often centered on war. They use language that brings out the feeling and emotions of war. Their lyrics make you want to jump up and protest the war, they make you feel like you’ve experienced the war, and you need to stop the injustices. It presents the war as something society is mislead about, and something that America over-glorifies. It presents it as a twisted and messed up situation that needs to end, and exposes the government’s need for power and control. It protests the fact that troops are in Iraq, and says that the war began just because America has a “thirst for oil”. It directly criticizes American Foreign Policy, saying “Don’t think for a second I will not question US foreign policy, imperial aggression inventing war for the quenching of the thirst for the oil.” This line is straightforward in addressing the fact that the Bush Doctrine is imperialistic and deceptive. It not only addresses all these problems in the war, it also demonstrates the cost of war through the enormous literal and emotional expenses and the affect on society through the destruction of unity and the increase in violence. The message of the song overall exposes the government for just being filled with over-controlling people fighting a war for oil, and killing thousands upon thousands of people simply for the benefit of the government. Largely, the song touches the hearts of many and brings the lies and misconduct of the war to the surface in a powerful way.
With war rising over the horizon It’s hard to start writing Been fightin in the belly of the titan, my tourniquets tighten around the livin’ but dyin’ My pen floods the pages while the children are crying I want to put on an iron shirt, chase the devil out of earth Spit until my tongue and saliva glands burst But first I invoke the spirit of the long gone and coming back through the song I am one with that all-seein’ being but It seems as if we’re being tricked into believing that which we think we believe in Even if we disagree on who the best mc is, We bob to the beat as if we’re nodding in agreement I write to freedom, though freedom hasn’t come I let it ring to leave a message on my answering machine I see a movement has begun As soon as we become the true truth seekers Down with this Babylon regime
To think you can die in the blink of an eye I bid you to try, to test I & I (?) Been destined to fly But I’m restin tonight And one bright morning I will take flight But until then, I’ll be rockin on the m I see the future drippin out of a pen If sleep be the cousin of death Then every time I blink’s one step closer to my last breath
It’s said talk is cheap, but war is expensive I speak cuz it’s free and these words are my weapons Don’t think for a second I will not question US foreign policy, imperial aggression inventing war for the quenching of the thirst for the oil Cuz money don’t trickle down to workers who toil, you see Blood trickle down from the wounds of the soil And broken antennas with aluminum foil Standing on televisions, transmitting propaganda of millionaire senators And your so-called commander in chief, b, I’m telling you the man is a thief, In his head he holds a plan to ban your freedom of speech, To build a pipeline, put Afghanistan on a leash When it bites back blame the Taliban for the breach Of security in each and every first world country Where life more dissin’ If you’re thirsty or hungry
To think you can die in the blink of an eye I bid you to try, to test I & I (?) Been destined to fly But I’m restin tonight And one bright morning I will take flight But until then, I’ll be rockin on the m I see the future drippin out of a pen If sleep be the cousin of death Then every time I blink’s one step closer to my last breath
America romanticizes the old war story Heroes, ammos, guns, blood guts and glory And no wonder the majority wants a war with Iraq Even if only 15% know where it’s at on a map With our backs against a stockpile of weaponry Enough to turn the earth into a memory, ‘cept there’ll be No one to remember this planet If it happens god damn it, if I get drafted today I swear to God, Ja, Allah and Yahweh I’ll toss the letter away and I’ll pull a Cassius Clay, In the military Minorities comprise the majority, Surprised? are you kidding me? The lies rely on brown bodies to fight for white puppet masters I cannot fathom how the caged bird drinks Until he thinks he is free A critical mass between the heavenly future, and a hell of a past, now
To think you can die in the blink of an eye I bid you to try, to test I & I (?) Been destined to fly But I’m restin tonight And one bright morning I will take flight But until then, I’ll be rockin on the m I see the future drippin out of a pen If sleep be the cousin of death Then every time I blink’s one step closer to my last breath